Mobil TSA type xray machines

Meanwhile Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are on the cutting block thanks to the 0bot darling 0bama. Wall Street is so pleased with 0bama that they are rewarding him with massive donations.  Wall Street or the Financial sector really wants to get their hands on Social Security, well not to worry with 0bawma in the white house — this will happen.

Why spend billions on an election when the Republicans have their guy in the white house already? WE already know that the Dems do not count votes. Anyone who lives in a Caucus state knows that the outcome has already been decided. Constitution? What Constitution? Thanks to VP Biden we have one of the crookedest Supreme Court Justices, Clarence Thomas, on the bench.

Big Ed that liberal gas bag who sounds like Rush has a rather good rant about the fact that 80% of people polled do not want Social Security and Medicare to be touched — leave the social safety net alone! 

Mobil x-ray vans aren’t used for the health of WE the People.

Well now we know what Homeland Security wants spend there budge on. Toys for perverts.

This is a PR production to show just how wonderful these gestapo tactics can work on anywhere Americans might gather in large numbers — like sporting events, political rallies or even protest marches.

Apparently Airport Screening is just a test to see if Americans would accept intrusive and potentially dangerous x-ray machines in order to fly. Next these mobil xray machines can show up absolutely anywhere.

Mobil x-ray vans. These vans can randomly drive around and shoot x-rays on any individual or car. Amazing what is happening. These vans are being sold all over — any city, state and private company can buy these units. New toys — and all the perverts one one.


There is a massive heat wave hitting parts of the US. Remember Climate-gate and the University of East Anglia? Climate-gate came about because the e-mail of that UK college was hacked by some unknown person. Apparently that hacking might be related to the hacking currently under investigation. Oh I forget — some conservatives deny that Global Warming exists. Humans have absolutely no impact on the climate — none (according to the deniers). Well some are wondering if News Corp’s hacking is somehow related.

We are so screwed.


Update: 0bots are upset — why? You a$$holes wanted him and you have the very Prez you just had to have. Go to hell. This includes my inlaws.

Dems say trust us — must be a new joke

So anyway candidate 0bama said he wanted to take a look at Social Security. But the stupid Democrat Part just bull dozed the loser of the Primary — that would be 0bama into the position of candidate 0bama.

Now 0bama is paying off his campaign debts to the money bags who put him in office. Glen Greenwald puts it this way: 0bama is gutting core principles of democratic party.

n 2005, American liberals achieved one of their most significant political victories of the last decade. It occurred with the resounding rejection of George W Bush’s campaign to privatise social security.

Bush’s scheme would have gutted the crux of that entitlement programme by converting it from what it has been since the 1940s – a universal guarantor of minimally decent living conditions for America’s elderly – into a Wall Street casino and bonanza.

Progressive activists and bloggers relentlessly attacked both the plan and underlying premises (the myth that social security faces a “crisis”), spawning nationwide opposition. Only a few months after he unveiled his scheme to great fanfare, Bush was forced to sheepishly withdraw it, a defeat he described as his biggest failure.

That victory established an important political fact. While there are very few unifying principles for the Democratic party, one (arguably the primary one) is a steadfast defence of basic entitlement programs for the poor and elderly – social security, Medicare and Medicaid – from the wealthy, corporatised factions that have long targeted them for cuts.

But in 2009, clear signs emerged that President Obama was eager to achieve what his right-predecessor could not: cut social security. Before he was even inaugurated, Obama echoed the right’s manipulative rhetorical tactic: that (along with Medicare) the programme was in crisis and producing “red ink as far as the eye can see.” President-elect Obama thus vowed that these crown jewels of his party since the New Deal would be, as Politico reported, a “central part” of his efforts to reduce the deficit.

The next month, his top economic adviser, the Wall Street-friendly Larry Summers, also vowed specific benefit cuts to Time magazine. He then stacked his “deficit commission” with long-time advocates of social security cuts. (bolding by me). 

Note that this article is from a UK news source — thus the British spelling of various words.

Just so you 0bots get the picture — voting for 0bama was a vote to kill the democratic party. There is no anti war movement in the US — it has been defanged by 0bowma. 0bowma took all of GW Bush doctrines and made the Dem party OWN THE BUSH DOCTRINE OF WAR.

Identically, Obama is now on the verge of injecting what until recently was the politically toxic and unattainable dream of Wall Street and the American right – attacks on the nation’s social safety net – into the heart and soul of the Democratic party’s platform. Those progressives who are guided more by party loyalty than actual belief will seamlessly transform from virulent opponents of such cuts into their primary defenders.

And thus will Obama succeed – yet again – in gutting not only core Democratic policies, but also the identity and power of the American Left.

Are there any real democrats left in congress and will they allow 0bowma to kill social security and medicare.

0bots — you will get old — one day if you live long enough you too will retire. Will Social Security and Medicare be there for the 0bots. It sure is looking like if 0bowma has his way — you guys are screwed.