Is the GOP a cult?

Or any political party?

Does Fox News function as cult speak central?

Fox viewers are compulsive at watching the Stars. One common trait among Fox viewers is that their TV’s are stuck on Fox for hours. I’ve noticed this in friends and family homes. Fox viewers also quote as the ultimate reliable authority.

I grew up in an evangelical environment. My mom took us to church three times a week. Cult? Once I rejected my mother’s church and got a degree in psychology I realized the controlling environment of the church and cults. Waco, Texas – and that ATF shoot out with the Branch Davidians. The ATF had no idea what they were dealing with. This was a strict Bible cult – and the leader spouted similar mumbo jumbo I heard in church as a kid.

Evangelical means the second coming of Christ. It is the duty of Evangelical Christians to spread the word of Christ’s immediate return to every human on earth. Oh we must not forget that the Middle East must have a massive blood bath first – from there Armageddon spreads to the whole world. This hope of Christians for a blood bath has always distressed me. Evangelicals have told me of the joy they feel because this is the end of times, when the world ends and their Savior returns. Do these people even hear how grotesque it sounds to others.

The End Times, is when Christ returns to gather the “saved” folk who have not committed the unpardonable sin. What is that sin? Frankly I doubt anyone really knows. Through the years I’ve heard ministers come up with wild theories.

GOP folk seem to have a lock on evangelicals – which is another word for cult. Evangelicals believe the world is about 6,000 years old, and all humans descended from two humans. Talk about inbreeding and incest! Science has proven otherwise. Cult think – blind belief and obedience – the word of God.

Religious Cults have been part of America since before there was a USA. Cults like: Pilgrims and Puritanism, Calvinism, and Shakers.

The question is – are all political parties also cults? Eight years ago I watched a whole lot of cult like behavior in rabid Obama followers. I heard a whole lot of psychological manipulation from camp Obama. In fact there was a camp Obama for the Obots who trained to take over and dominate states with Presidential caucuses. People like myself who had psychology degrees and were trained in group dynamics recognized the methods and techniques used. So, yes, the Democrats also have their version of a cult. Although Democrats are like herding cats – but team Obama managed to get enough fanatics to win two election.

So I’m not alone in my concern about the right-wing media spreading hate (using cult like methods). A article – The right-wing media’s vicious profiteering: How Donald Trump & Fox News are responding hate.

Hate eats the brain

The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on gay marriage was announced. Five justices ruled in favor. Justice Kennedy wrote the majority opinion. He was eloquent. I guess he believes in the concept of love. However, the four dissenters felt the need to explain why they hate gay couples who want to have a legal marriage.

Uncle Tom aka Clarence Thomas show the clear effects of hate rotting the brain.

“Slaves did not lose their dignity (any more than they lost their humanity) because the government allowed them to be enslaved,” Thomas said. “Those held in internment camps did not lose their dignity because the government confined them. And those denied governmental benefits certainly do not lose their dignity because the government denies them those benefits. The government cannot bestow dignity, and it cannot take it away.”

Justice Scalia rendered yet another rambling dissertation which demonstrates the hate rotting out his brains. Yesterday his disjointed and illogical rambling were directed against the majority opinion which upheld Obama care/state sponsored health insurance. Three justices opposed the majority decision. Scalia, Alito, and of course Uncle Tom Clarence. More examples of brains fried with hate. Uncle Tom Clarence is showing the long term effects of cognitive dissonance.

Justice Scalia doesn’t understand science, but rather believe in the tricky Devil. Scalia also believes the Christian Bible creation mythology, which tells him the earth is only a few thousand years old. Of course the Bible is full of stories involving slavery and rape and multiple wives (for example the various Kings of Israel and other males in the old testament). There are numerous examples of ethnocentric prejudices peppered throughout the old testament. Most of the Bible quoting moralists haven’t bothered to read the whole Bible.

While I was in college I re-read the Bible in French. Reading the nasty stuff in French was interesting. After college I bought a copy of the reprinted Woman’s Bible by Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

Scalia’s legal opinions are heavily influenced by his belief in Biblical mythology. Amazing how a book filled with mythology can be used in place of logic and science. Or Scalia is proof that time travel has happened. How else could a 15th century dude, like Scalia, be making a fool of himself while pontificating from the Supreme Court?’s_Bible

Does the GOP have a plan for the future

What I mean is what sort of world will today’s child find when they are adults?

Will adults of the future suffer the effects of extreme childhood poverty? Right now, today, the U.S. is the world’s leader in childhood poverty. USA is number one at being the worst. Ironic.

Yet at the same time the GOP wants to force poor women to have more babies. They love the fetus but loathe the child. Kansas Governor Brownback brags that more babies is the goal of all the anti-choice, abortion restrictive laws. Sex – OMG poor people are having sex. The abortion restrictions have almost no impact on the wealthy. When abortion was outright illegal in the U.S., there were many choices for women who had money. I pick on Governor Brownback, as an example of stupids, because my mother’s ancestors homesteaded in Kansas, she was third generation Kansas born. Of her nine brothers and sisters, only one remained to work the farm. The rest fled the state.

The GOP aims to turn back the clock. Forcing a rigid fundamentalist mythological religion on the U.S. population seems to be the GOP game plan for the future. Imagine the adults of the future, no birth control, women as submissive servants for their husbands, each wife producing a baby every two years, until she dies. Oh wait, that already happened. In the nineteenth and early twentieth century, families were huge. Childhood poverty was epidemic, as was the practice of putting children to work. Researching my genealogy was a eye opening history lesson. One of my female ancestors was orphaned at an early age and immediately put to work in factories in the east.

Even if the history books used in schools fails to reveal the dark history of an official government policy on a blackout on birth control information, a review of U.S. census forms from the nineteenth and twentieth holds the raw data. Epidemics were frequent, and the death of mothers was exceeding high. In the mid 18 hundreds all but one of my female ancestors died shortly after childbirth, due to their weakened condition.

Why does the GOP hate children. Why is the GOP starving children?

Being number one in the childhood poverty rankings tells us about the future that politicians see for the USA. It takes hard work of the majority of politicians in the USA to gain such a high ranking among in the world. Yea Team, go USA. Not.


Koch bros

Here’s a headline that should make the average American wonder just who owns the Politicians — doesn’t matter the party.

Koch Brothers Are The Largest Land Owners Of Canada’s Tar Sands

Now with all the news about the Keystone pipeline and the vast pollution mess that is already happening up north in Canada it turns out that some stinking rich dudes down in the States are the major land owners. These are the same guys who own most of the GOP party (probably the Dems as well). These Bible thumping, self righteous, wing nut jerks who really don’t give a damn that they are doing damage to the earth that their kids will inherit. Oh excuse me — they are amassing billions of dollars but yet they apparently believe the world is going to end and that they will be saved. Apparently the Koch brothers and the rest of the money changers in the temples didn’t read that part of the New Testament where Christ threw the money changers out of the temples. So this Jesus Christ from the Christian’s Bible is supposed to return and “save” the Koch brothers?

By their logic it does not matter what they do to the earth because there will be no future generations anyway? Yet they are stuffing billions away — for what? Just in case they need to buy their way into heaven? Will their money even buy a place in their mythological heaven?

/end rant







Syria and Iran and hidden agendas

There’s a blog entry by a diplomat, Craig Murray from the UK, who does a good job of looking between the lines and seeing the players and their agendas.

Syria is a place where it is hard to know who the real villains are. People are dying, people are starving and there is that extremist religious conservative element — all three of the major patriarchal religions are playing their political cards to get an outcome which they believe is in their best interest. Women and children be damned — drop the bombs already — seems to be the chant of the patriarchy.

Anyway check out what Craig Murray’s take is on the latest —

The problem with the Geneva Communique from the first Geneva round on Syria is that the government of Syria never subscribed to it.  It was jointly chaired by the League of Arab States for Syria, whatever that may mean.  Another problem is that it is, as so many diplomatic documents are, highly ambiguous.  It plainly advocates a power sharing executive formed by some of the current government plus the opposition to oversee a transition to democracy.  But it does not state which elements of the current government, and it does not mention which elements of the opposition, nor does it make plain if President Assad himself is eligible to be part of, or to head, the power-sharing executive, and whether he is eligible to be a candidate in future democratic elections.

Nothing is simple — especially when an oil pipeline and access to the seaports in Syria is on the line. Oh and Qatar is involved — this is the country that wants to get gas through that pipeline.

What the West are trying to achieve is what the CIA and Mossad have now achieved in Egypt; replacing the head of the Mubarak regime while keeping all its power structures in place. The West don’t really want democracy in Syria, they just want a less pro-Russian leader of the power structures.

England is also up to her armpits in dirty tricks and diplomatic back stabbing.

The mainstream news media will report the news as written by the White House etc.

How much different would the US news be if it were just the plain old state media — or US Federal media service? One way or the other it seems we are getting the corporate media point of view which is the white house point of view which is repeated by the talking heads of the corporate media.

Death penality or state sanctioned murder?

There are individuals who are not fit to be part of the human race — the supreme dictators/despots who were fond of blood sports and endless war and genocide — the ones we studied in history class or the serial killers who will continue their killing sprees until they themselves die. (An interesting side note — animal behavior — male macho alpha mouse behavior in particular. According to researchers the extreme macho male mice are killed off by the ordinary male mice — can’t be too extreme in the mouse world and survive. What does this mean for other mammals or other species?? How the heck do I know — but Aggressive Behavior is the name of a behavior research journal with a whole lot of interesting published research — peer reviewed — even!)

Most of the world has turned away from using execution as a form of “punishment”. Many states like Ohio have turned to “medical” chemical poison to carry out executions — except the countries in which the chemicals are made refuse to sell the drugs to be used for execution. Ohio decided to go ahead with an untried mix of medical poisons to carry out the latest execution. The execution did not go well — it took longer than “normal” and it is reported that the convict was gasping for air. The latest blame game has the lawyers of the now dead convict coaching the guy to gasp for air (that was from FOX news — which isn’t really about news anyway). OK well — it is Ohio so what can be expected. The lawyer deny that they coached their client. Is execution really a “deterrent” to other “criminals”? Are all crimes, individuals who commit the crimes treated the same? No — we already know that race, gender, age, socioeconomic status are factored into the bottom line of who pays for the crime. If the crime is theft — the bigger the theft — like millions by Wall Street Bankers — the least likely any jail time for the biggest thieves. Money laundering and other crimes by the petty thieves — we already know which ones will be doing the time and which guys will be getting the bonus.

Executing the condemned by gas, electric chair, hanging, firing squad and mixed chemical cocktail are the current favored ways to legally murder other human beings in the USA. How many innocent people have been executed — my guess is far more than the blood lusting masses care to believe. Now if the murderer happens to be a cop then the chances are high that the cop will get away with murder. The recent case of the cops caught on video beating a schizophrenic man to death — even with the proof of murder caught on video — the cops walked — to kill again. Too often cops kill once and they go out and kill again. Seems like once that line of “thou shalt not murder” is crossed — the next murder is easier. How many of the killer cops have done the same on the world’s battle fields. Part of military training is to remove the tabu against killing other humans and the enemy becomes the dehumanized other.

Then we find ourselves in the murky waters of the Boston Marathon Bombing (BMB). Old Attorney General Holder has decided that the surviving brother should be executed/murdered if he is found guilty. No surprise — Old Holder was the guy who was involved in guns getting into drug lords hands — or some such nonsense. That would the the Fast and Furious case — thought up in DC and played out with real people’s lives.

There are a whole lot of details about the BMB that don’t make a lot of sense. People died and many people were injured — that is a fact that shouldn’t be questioned. Then there is a photoshopped image of one of the suspects near the scene of the crime. Why the doctored image — released as proof? Strange.

The points where the questions come are the plans for bomb drills, and the current surviving brother really doesn’t fit the profile that the CIA, FBI and Boston cops have tried to feed us. What was with a whole area called Watertown being shut down under . . .

Martial law is the imposition of military rule by military authorities over designated regions on an emergency basis.
Martial law is usually imposed on a temporary basis when the civilian government or civilian authorities fail to function effectively (e.g., maintain order and security, or provide essential services), when there are extensive riots and protests, or when the disobedience of the law becomes widespread. Fundamentally it is a requirement put on civilian government when they fail to function correctly. (Wikipedia)

One of writers has been following the BMB news and personalities and providing summaries and asking fact based questions. The hope is that there will be a trial because we need answers — was one of the US security agencies somehow involved long before there was a bombing? One of the uncles has ties to the CIA and the mother of the boys claims that the FBI was in contact with her boys. There are valid questions about the stories floating around this case. For instance what about the death of a supposed friend of the older brother in Florida by an FBI agent. On the surface it looks like an unarmed, crippled guy was executed by the FBI using 6 bullets including one to the head. What does this case have to do with the BMB case? Questions — questions — questions — and very few facts. The writers and commentators to each article are asking tough questions — playing the role of informed citizens. When our government tells us something we do NOT want to be lied to.

Problem is that time after time our government has lied to us — to the point that none of the stories the spy or law “enforcement” come up with to explain an event makes any logical sense. It started perhaps with that single pristine bullet found close to JFK in the hospital — which became the single bullet theory upon which several political careers were built. Cover ups of cover ups of covers ups. I grew up in the military and had a front row seat to military lies, lying and disinformation.

We need fact and details — it is so easy for the beast which rules the emotional mob to be whipped into a killing frenzy. Humans all over the world have been turned into killing mobs. Humans can and do get in touch with their more primitive monsters. Through history we’ve seen so many mob murders. The dark ages is when millions of women were murdered by mobs — burned at the stake. But after a “trial” by representatives of the church.

It would seem that the BMB stories and the really bad terrorist who is in jail — and his brother in the ground — there are some illogical string of “evidence” that don’t make any sense. We need a trial and tough questions need to be asked — because if it happens that the bombers were really someone else — then the REAL villains are out there. It is always important to find the real bad guys and not just the easy guys who can be blames so that the mob goes home happy — knowing that in a few years and for the cost of a few million bucks someone can be murdered by the state or federal government.

We live in a very strange world — people really believe this stuff — and these people are considered sane??

Like back in the dark ages — just take any women off the street — put on a show trial — burn her at the stake and then confiscate her property for the church. Just some ordinary state/church sanctioned murders — several million murders.

State sanctioned murders are part of the long ago dark ages before humans evolved to a better place. That’s the mythology I’d like to be true.

In the news – end of January 2014

Senator Reid is against “Fast Track” for Treaties. This is a hopeful sign — since this is an election year. The corportist Obama wants to fast track the TPP as well as the Atlantic treaty which is great for Mega Corporations and the mega rich but not so great for the environment or the working stiffs in all countries involved in the super secret talks involving the corporate treaties. GMO will become even more wide spread. GMO = genetically modified organisms – should be a choice for those who believe the corporate line.

Another response to Senator Reid’s NO to fast track. Naked Capitalism — from an Economist’s POV.

Although Reid was known to be opposed to fast track, it’s quite another matter for him as a Democratic Congressional leader to tell Obama to take a hike. I can’t recall such frontal and public opposition to an important Administration initiative before. This is really humiliating.

And it also checkmates Obama, at least for now.

In the what else is new from chief Neanderthal Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) — the world is going to blow up —  something something because the US is not going to be dropping tons of bombs etc. on X country in the Middle East or somewhere. This is a creepy looking person — we can expect him to make a misogynistic fairly soon. He seems over due — don’t you think?

More news that one of the GOP east coast Governors (Chris somebody or the other) has been a bully — surprise surprise. Wasn’t there a study which linked politicians to psychopathic behavioral traits?

In environmental news — 0bamaland also known as Hawaii– the state government is trying to over ride local laws about the wide testing of GMOs — Hawaii is a corporate friendly state and Goldman Sachs is tight with the leadership of Hawaii — so is Monsanto — home of the GMO impending holocaust. is a great place for current environmental news topics.

Pennsylvania is apparently owned by the oil companies — the ones who frack – and fracking can happen anywhere. It seems that an anti fracking activist is more or less banned from a 300 sq mile area of Pennsylvania — but it is up to her to figure out exactly where she can and can’t go — because the fracking oil companies own the fracking rights to huge, vast areas. To hell with the right to clean drinking water — corporate interests and profits come first in Pennsylvania. No wonder my ancestors headed west a few generations back. I wonder what the Quakers think about Fracking? Fracking really sounds like one of those words that should be banned — it is very close to that other F word. Note that all of this fracking business has happened under the reign of Prez 0bama. No wonder I’m an Independent — hard to tell the real difference between GW Bush and his twin 0bama.

Grist has many stories not covered by the mainstream/corporate media. That Obama cared for what happens environmentally to this planet in the long term and to a few humans who are being poisoned by their drinking water in West Virginia is clear by 0bama’s non actions and the fact that “anything goes” under his watch. You would think that since he has two daughters who may have babies that he would be concerned about how his non actions will impact their world. You know the 7th generation ideal of guarding today’s environment for the next generations — sort of forward thinker??

Then of course there are the flat earth — climate change deniers — who are waiting for the rapture and the return of a Christ to reinvent the world. The most important goal of the Sen. Grahams of this world is for the Middle East to blow up — because this is where his Bible tells him the End of the world/end of time will happen. The problem is if their Jesus Christ manages to arrive early there’s a good chance that he’d never survive. If anyone still really believes that mythology??

Update with SOTU by 0bama commentary from here and there on the WWW.

0bama’s state of the Corporation — oil/gas corporations. There’s a quiz about which parts of 0bama’s SOTU were written by oil companies.

Which part of Obama’s State of the Union was written by the oil industry?

a) “America is closer to energy independence than we’ve been in decades”
b) “natural gas – if extracted safely, it’s the bridge fuel that can power our economy with less of the carbon pollution that causes climate change.”
c) fracking for oil and gas can be “sustainable”
d) all of the above

The answer is literally, “all of the above.”

(read the rest at the link — wonder where the millions and millions for 0bama’s campaign came from? We know who 0bama works for and it is NOT we the people.) No mention of the thousands of people in West Virginia who drank poisoned water and 0bama’s EPA acts as an advocate of the corporations. I’m thinking that 0bama plans for his descendents to be on space ships headed for distant life supporting planets. Wonderful 0bama legacy — yep. zero for planet Earth.

GOP projection – psychology 101

A few select Neanderthal type GOP males are making a habit of deliberately putting both feet in their mouths at the same time and demonstrating just how ignorant they are about women. Just about any subject about women seems to be completely foreign to this subset of semi-human males.

During the last election cycle we were “treated” to a revolving door of mostly GOP males along with their female enablers — each trying win the award for stupidest remarks demonstrating their low IQ. The dim bulb GOP fella from Missouri held the title for dumbest remarks about rape ever spoken in front of an audience and on the record. His remark has something to do with his lack of knowledge about biology and his rejection that women can be raped. Someplace on YouTube there is a montage of male talking heads in the year 2009, on TV, making sexist, misogynistic remarks about the nerve of Hillary Clinton running for President. Most of these fellas call themselves “liberals”.

Yesterday the Christian Taliban — no not the Duck Dumb asses with their long Taliban like beards showing their solidarity with other women hating patriarchal world religions — this Christian Taliban apparently wants women to wear black shrouds, veils and masks in order to hide all visual evidence that the lump under the shroud is a living, breathing human who just happens to be female.

When are the sane males going to raise up and shut the man whores, like Huckabee etc., the hell up?

How many more of the GOP hopefulls going repeat the misogynistic themes of the religious right wing ding dong like Huckabee — who seems to believe that any woman who takes birth control pills or uses any sort of birth control is a whore/slut etc. Mr. Huckabee is merely projecting* his dirty thoughts onto all women. Apparently Mr. Huckabee is letting is little head do his thinking — and every time he sees a woman — he has some of those “dirty – impure thoughts” — so he hears birth control and then his mind goes to whores and their sugar daddies who supply birth control pills so that they can take one. Well apparently many of the GOP males have no idea how birth control pills work or the fact that just because women take birth control pills doesn’t mean that they go to a bar to pick up a f*** buddy every night.

One way for the cookie cutter GOP fellas to be seen is to make stupid remarks about the female/sluts — since the males of the GOP seem hell bent on fighting their own personal wars against women. Now Mr. Huckabee has got his name in the news by saying something rude and stupid about women — so that name recognition has put him ahead of the rest of the idiot Neanderthal GOP males.

As someone who was grew up in a GOP home — at a time when the Democrat party was the anti-ERA party as well as the anti-Civil Rights party — it is really painful to watch the GOP sink lower and lower into the political slime. There really isn’t that much difference between either major party in terms of general attitude toward women. If we look at the actual gains women have made as opposed to the words — it is evident that women still have a long way to go before we have full human rights. Women’s rights are human rights.

One of these days GOP males will be forced to stop insulting the majority of males who don’t see each female they encounter as a slut/whore simply because the woman is a female human being. And yes humans are sexual creatures — at the same time there is something called “female choice” and a whole lot of women find stupid, ignorant males to be utterly non-sexy. So Huckie boy — you might be finding favor in a party of Neanderthals but you aren’t winning over the women’s vote. (As Gov. Huckabee — old Huckie supported contraception. Which tells me that the GOP fellas are blowing smoke to get noticed.)


Projection is a defense mechanism that involves taking our own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people. For example, if you have a strong dislike for someone, you might instead believe that he or she does not like you. Projection works by allowing the expression of the desire or impulse, but in a way that the ego cannot recognize, therefore reducing anxiety.

Muslim preacher tells Christian women to cover up or get raped.

Christian preacher tells bride to cover up.

Virginia preacher – women are sinners if their dress to make their bodies noticed.

Orthodox Jewish dress code for women. Wikipedia entry — modesty for Jewish women.

One paper bag fits all.


In the news Authority VS

Misuse of Authority, state laws, lawyers and cops VS the truth

In the first story a pregnant woman is declared brain death — but she is kept on life support anyway — because you know she is pregnant and in Texas (the South & Bible Belt, anti Science territory) the fetus is worshiped. It was the wish of this woman to never be kept on life support. The odds that the fetus will turn into anything but a vegetable are very slim. This is a decision by the hospital — so just exactly who or what is paying the bills to keep a reproductive tank on life support. This story almost sounds like Frank Herbert’s science fiction books — where one world has only males or so it seems. This world is known throughout the known universe as a prime supplier of clones and spare body parts which are grown in “tanks”. The family is now suing to have life support turned off. This reminds me of another story — a woman on the East coast was in a coma and her doctors determined that if her pregnancy was terminated she could recover. It took a court battle with fanatics who were demanding that the woman’s life was not important — the only life of worth was the fetus. The husband wins, pregnancy terminated, woman lives. These are personal decisions of the family — hard decisions which are not made lightly and yet religious fanatics seem to believe that their particular religious belief system is the one that should rule the world.

The next story — anyone remember the videos of a semi nude woman being ejected from a police care in L.A.? The detail that caught my attention was the tiny fact that her clothes were in disarray (bra pull down etc.) before she went flying out of the cop car. More details have emerged now that the woman has come out of her medically induced coma. Seems like she was indeed out drinking with two male friends and probably a bit tipsy. SHE and only she was picked up for public drunkenness. The reason why she was semi nude when she was ejected from the cop car as it took a corner too fast and the cop in the backseat with her was sexually molesting her. Her word against his — except for the fact that there is that video and the fact of her condition of undress. Plus why just single out the woman? Also the fact that she was handcuffed — and she went flying out of the backseat on that high speed turn. How did the locked door get unlocked? The cops have a long history of this sort of crap — as well as letting rapist off the hook. Oh the profession of this woman is pharmacist — which according to the  chart of honesty and ethics  — pharmacist rank at the top of the rankings. Plus that detail that this woman was singled out for “special” treatment by this LA gang/cops — whatever. It is getting hard to tell the difference between gangs and cops. I certainly know that there are a few good cops left — but as long a the good guys stand beside and defend the bad cops — they all are made to look dirty. When are the good cops going to take over and clean out the pig sty? Pigs clean up very nicely — ever been to a county fair?

It is rare for me to look at video evidence — but the fact that a handcuffed woman was ejected out of the back of a cop car and the fact the video of the incident survived and the fact that the cop shop propaganda attempted to paint the woman as less than human really got on my “they are lying about something” radar. How is it that a gang of cops are allowed to troll the bars? Because that’s what this looks like to me and probably other women. Most women already don’t trust the cops — evidence for that assumption? Most rapes are never reported. Then what if the sexual molestation was at the hands of a cop or cops? Why are these cops still on the job?

This bit is from the LA Times — my question is why are these guys still working? Serve and protect — I don’t think so.

Nguyen said her jaw was shattered and that she suffered bleeding on her brain. To perform the first of three surgeries on her jaw, doctors kept Nguyen heavily sedated for several days, she said. She also lost several teeth.

In a report on the incident reviewed by The Times, paramedics who treated Nguyen wrote that the officers told them the car had come to a stop at the intersection and Nguyen fell out of as the driver accelerated to about 10 mph.

The video, however, shows the patrol car traveling at what appears to be a much faster speed and passing through the intersection without stopping or slowing.

Both stories are in but have also been widely reported in other news sources.

Handmaid’s tale becomes reality

Margaret  Atwood’s novel Handmaid’s Tale published in 1985 was set in the future.

Short summary of the plot from Wikipedia:

The Handmaid’s Tale is set in the near future in the Republic of Gilead, a theocratic military dictatorship formed within the borders of what was formerly the United States of America. It was founded by a racist, homophobic, Christiannativist-derived, theocratic-organized cult’s military coup as an ideologically driven response to the country’s ecological, physical and social degradation.

Beginning with a staged terrorist attack (blamed on Islamic extremist terrorists) that kills the President and most of Congress, a movement calling itself the “Sons of Jacob” launches a revolution and suspends the United States Constitution under the pretext of restoring order. They are quickly able to take away all of women’s rights, largely attributed to financial records being stored electronically and labelled by gender. This allows the new rulers to freeze women’s bank accounts (the story also takes place in a future of a cashless society utilizing electronic money which leaves them with no funds after this), then outlaw employing them. The new regime moves quickly to consolidate its power and reorganize society along a new militarized, hierarchical, compulsorily cult-Christian regime of selectively skewed Old Testament-inspired social and religious ultra-conservatism among its newly created social classes. In this society, almost all women are forbidden to read.

The story is presented from the point of view of a woman called Offred (literally Of-Fred). The character is one of a class of individuals kept as concubines (“handmaids”) for reproductive purposes by the ruling class in an era of declining births due to sterility from pollution and sexually transmitted diseases. The book is told in the first person by Offred, who describes her life during her third assignment as a handmaid, in this case to Fred (referred to as “The Commander”). Interspersed in flashbacks are portions of her life from before and during the beginning of the revolution, when she finds she has lost all autonomy to her husband, through her failed attempt to escape with her husband and daughter to Canada, to her indoctrination into life as a handmaid. Through her eyes, the structure of Gilead’s society is described, including the several different categories of women and their circumscribed lives in the new theocracy.

Atwood must be a psychic, prophet, or seers — or she is merely able to let the “what would happen if” the radical hard line radical right continues down this path? We already know from records kept by the Catholic Church during the dark ages that women about 9 million women were murder by the zealots of the Inquisition.

Flash to the present day and the story of Sara McKenna who has a very brief affair with a professional athlete, Bode Miller. She is pregnant and according to text messages from her ex-lover he wasn’t at all supportive. McKenna moves to New York to attend college. Now is the time to cue in Monty Python’s musical number called Every Sperm is scared. You Tube has blocked the video clip — too bad that the copyright whores are busy disrupting history.

Every sperm is sacred,

Every sperm is great.

If a sperm is wasted,

God gets quite irate.

Back to the present and Sara McKenna’s problem with one particular New York justice who decided that McKenna had fetus-napped the fetus she was carrying. HER BODY apparently was now owned by Bode Miller — although they never married they just fxxxed. The Miller — the sperm donor was given primary custody of the baby. Oh Miller had replaced McKenna with another woman shortly after McKenna and he had parted company. Miller has a history of out of wedlock parenthood — a four year old female child and another dispute with the mother. Oh — Miller and his current wife live in California and McKenna lives in New York.

Of course this story raises red flags all over the place. The current efforts, of the wacked out religious right, to return women to the dark ages and to control women’s bodies (no sex for you my dear UNLESS your owner wants you pregnant), comes to mind.

McKenna said she asked Miller to be an involved father, but he initially pushed her away. She released a text from June in which Miller, explaining why he would not accompany her to an ultrasound, said, “U made this choice against my wish.”

The baby was born last February. Suddenly in the Fall Miller decides he wants to play daddy.

By last fall, Miller was taking action to secure a major role in his future son’s life, filing a declaration of his paternity and interest in custody in San Diego. Once the boy was born, McKenna filed in New York for temporary custody. But on May 30, a Family Court referee refused, rebuking McKenna for “unjustifiable conduct” and “forum shopping” and making the unusual decision to leave the case in California, even though the baby was born and lived in New York.

Who is this “Family Court referee”?

Here’s the fetus-napping charge from above referee jerk:

While McKenna “did not ‘abduct’ the child,” the court said, “her appropriation of the child while in utero was irresponsible, reprehensible.”

Life imitates Art or a Novel in this case. Also it could be a case of women are women’s worst enemies — the new Mrs. Miller miscarried and then encourages Bode Miller to get his kid. Who knows what is really going in in the minds of Mr. & Mrs. Miller — but a child is involved — a real human being. Is a woman’s body owned by the males who control the legal system?

Are we that far away from A Handmaid’s Tale? The dark ages for women could return — as it has in Texas and other dogmatic religious States.

This is the 21st Century and not the dark ages. Human Rights are Women’s Rights and why hasn’t the ERA part of the US Constitution?