New era of lynching

Paul Craig Roberts puts into words my own thoughts on the execution of 12 year old child. Cop car drives up and bang a child lies dying. The lynching cops refused to render aid to the child, preferring to stand over his trophy kill. There have been several, kill first, and then make up lies, to justify the murder of mostly young black males. Does the training turn cops into pathological, cold blooded killers, or are the pathological killers drawn to the job?

We really need to know — if the training is to blame or the selection process.

Ferguson – no surprise

Red necked racist prosecutor demonstrates to the world what KKK justices looks like. This prosecutor is a democrat, as is the governor and the President (who is a white guy who claimed to be white only when the black vote is needed).

The occupied states of America are truly a sight to behold. There are now so many cases of unarmed black men and women, murdered by cops that it would take too much space to list the current death list. Unarmed black guy walk in in building, cops shoot him dead. Cops claimed he was trying to open the door with same hand that was holding his gun. Another flat out lie by another murdering cop. Then the twelve year old boy shot by cop for having a toy gun. Again the cop lies.

The farce of a grand jury in the farce of an “investigation” by the farce of a prosecutor in Ferguson – those two head shots, the two bullets that murdered an unarmed teenager, ignored by the farce of a legal system.

Cops get away with murder, brutal assault and rape, just like any foreign army occupying. We pay the salaries of these murdering creeps. Cops in Utah are on a killing spree according to a recent study you are more likely to be killed by a cops than any other “death by”. Doesn’t that just make us all feel just so safe –not. The other danger are the cops on the roads and their pursuit at high speed. If you happen to be a hostage then your survival chances are NOT very good.

So there is as problem, to the cops WE are the enemy. 95  year old man, murdered by cops. Little two year old children – SWAT team tosses a stun grenade in child’s crib. Mentally ill, cops shoot the teen in the head while the kid is being held by other cops. Nothing happens to any of these violent and vicious killers.

When will the state sanctioned murders (mostly racist) stop? The legislative bodies refuse to revise the laws, everyone is afraid to make cops stop killing. At some point all cops will be tossed in the same bag, as in all cops kill, any cop might be a killer – there is no way to tell the good cops from the bad cops. To me Darren Wilson looks like a red necked, cold blooded, killer. He has the bully attitude. When are the good cops going to distance themselves from the dirty rotten cops. Or am I falling into wishful thinking? There are no longer any good cops, is this the new reality? It is up to the cops to cross the thin blue line and clean house. Darren Wilson needs to be put on trial, not with a jury of his peers, but with all of his victims and his victim’s parents. Then we might see real justice.

To the idiots that stalk and kill cops – violence always creates more violence. When the cops are over armed by Homeland Insecurity with the newest forms of torture and mass murder, violence won’t bring the needed changes.

The future doesn’t look like a nice comfy place, not with the current brutal trends in law enforcement.

Disbanding the Ferguson police force

The more we learn about the Ferguson cop shop, the more we need to ask why in the 21st century is a thing like this allowed to prey on human beings? I have a USA Today app on my tablet. Most of the time I ignore the thing. One breaking story was – cop in Ferguson shot. Wait for the details, those guys wear cameras now. More news slithered out. The Ferguson cops can’t keep their story straight.

The first most of us heard about Ferguson police, was when one of their number murdered an unarmed teenager in broad daylight, in front of witnesses. No trial, just one cop who felt like it, murdered another human being. Just another day on the job in America where being a cop means – license to kill.

Now this new shooting of a cop, supposedly. Seeing how the cops aren’t very good at hitting a target, under stress, how do we know that the individual they were chasing, turned around and fired off one round and hit a cop in the arm? Thing is we can’t believe these cops. Their story changes – two different stories about how the cop was shot. Which story is true or is there a third account? If the cop had his body camera on we would have another witness.

These guys from Ferguson are wearing arm bands with these words: “I am Darren Wilson”  The name of the cop who murdered Michael Brown. Ferguson cops still aren’t wearing their name tags. The U.S. Department of Justice has requested that Ferguson cops wear their name badges. These guys now have body cameras, but the cameras must be turned on to works.

So now there is the call by bloggers and others to just disband the cop shop. The end, close it down. Start over, from the beginning. Why does Ferguson need cops? What sort of law enforcement does Ferguson need? Human beings are not perfect and so laws are written and to follow through – some sort of reasonable law enforcement is required. Not the military style of law enforcement that is the mind set, the culture of cop shops in America today. Reset, rewind – let’s all rethink the job of cops. Most all of us probably agree that this is a necessary job. The war on drugs perverted the cop’s job. That’s when a lot of the bad stuff happened. Closing Mental hospitals and forcing jails and cops into being the de facto mental health system.

Back to Ferguson, we really do know why the Ferguson cops are now out of control – they are a symptom of what is wrong with a huge part of America. If this cop shop is disbanded what will replace it? Citizens need to have a voice in how cops do their jobs. We need to have a voice in job qualifications and psychological testing of police candidates. It is obvious that little or no testing is being done by cops shops of the new hires. Training of future cops needs to be evaluated and changed. We need to know if it is the job and association with older cops that could change the new hires to the Darrel Wilson kind of cops.

These are the sort of things Eric Holder should have been doing. He could have put a task force on the job to understand why lethal violence by American cops is so high out here where we all live. Attorney General Eric Holder has been a failure. This is ignoring that Wall Street continues to loot with ERic Holder’s blessing – something about “too big to fail”. Most likely Eric Holder has a very well paying job on Wall Street waiting.

Lots of people were pro war

Remember all those damned yellow ribbons on the cars — support the troops???? I don’t know the party most likely to put those stupid yellow ribbons on the cars — and frankly don’t care. But now that the wounded and broken troops are back home where are all those yellow ribbons? NOW is the time to support the troops — and the VA veterans administration is the part of the government that is supposed to put the injured, broken and wounded men and women back together.

Now we are learning that the staff just lied and lied and lied and found ways not to take care of the Veterans.  In this case we do know for certain that it was the gung ho war whore GOP that cut the funding for the medical care of the Veterans who fought Prez Bush’s war.

My Senator has been concerned about the Veterans Administration. There are a lot of military bases and personnel in this state. All the military branches are represented in Washington State — just like they are in Hawaii. There are other Senators — not GOP — who are on the case of the lying Veterans Administration staff. Bernie Sanders is one of the good guys — against Bush’s war of choice but for the proper treatment of the Vets who fought in that nightmare place.

I was against Bush’s wars of choice — but the men and women who followed their Commander and Chief’s orders and as a result were injured — these people deserve the very best care. Too often military personnel who were brain damaged by repeated exposure to the concussive force of road side bombs were booted from the service — because their behavior or care was too expensive for the same idiots who sent these men and women into the line of fire. If anyone was injured because of or during military service — they are owed by the U.S. Government to help them, rehabilitate them until they can return to some sort of normal life.

Arizona VA hospitals and administration are under the microscope at the moment — what we need to know is how wide spread this lack of care and lack of concern about the Vets who served this country. They did their job — and now the real cost of war has come to bite the asses in congress who want to sweep this problem under the carpet. Both parties are probably involved.

How many Vets are homeless? If it is anything like the aftermath of the Vietnam war — I expect the number of homeless Vets is very high. Right when the goodie goodie cities and towns what to make homelessness a crime. Way to go USA!! Yea team — unless you are hurt then go to hell????

O.K. I admit that I am just a bit biased. I was born in a military hospital and my dad retired from the Navy when I was in college. The military did a number on my dad — changed him and not for the better. He had health insurance from his civilian job and also access to VA care. Post Vietnam the VA wasn’t that great. The war was lost — and so the military Vets were abandoned.


Additional links:










Word Games & spying’s Marci Wheeler can see through the Government’s word game like no one else.

In her newest post she looks at how the spooks twist and turn two words — “derived from”.

But the really pathetic part of the response comes in the passage where they try to explain why they didn’t give Mohamud timely review.

The problem was not bad faith, they argue (and they’d like the judge to just ignore the other late notice they gave Mohamud in this case). No, not at all.

Rather, it derived from confusion over the meaning of “derived from.”

You see, DOJ has always known that it must notify defendants when they plan to use information “derived from” Title VII (that is, Section 702) collection.

NSA and other spy agencies collect tons of data on everyone — just because they can.

One other point I want to make is that the NSA spying is worse — far worse than many people realize. The NSA is the US military spying, peeking, poking into the privacy of CIVILIANS — and elected people who are supposed to oversee the military. Is the US really a military dictatorship? Some days I feel like I’m still living on base — where the CO is god — and the constitution does not exist. In this case the CO is the Commander in Chief — who seems be be controlled by the military. I mean that’s not the way it is supposed to be — but that is certainly how the chain of command seems to be going — from the military to Lord 0bama. Or it could be a guy — Lord 0bama — being from the military controlled state of Hawaii was groomed by the military shadow government to be Lord 0bama who will live like a Lord of the dark ages once he gets done with the white house gig.

Global Warming is real

Although the war drums continue to beat and the Al CIAda rebels are being supplied with new weapons by the CIA — there is another war going on — the War of Fundamentalists allied with Corporate polluters and scavengers to suppress news and scientific evidence of Global Warming a.k.a. Climate Change.

Rolling Stone Magazine has several articles on Global Warming which are well worth everyone’s time to read and then discuss.

Fire & death

Fire & death

Global Warming’s Terrifying New Math

followed by

Global Warming is very Real

Read more:

Meanwhile the poison coming from Canada is still threatening to cross America’s bread basket.

Obama can’t be bothered:

If the pictures of those towering wildfires in Colorado haven’t convinced you, or the size of your AC bill this summer, here are some hard numbers about climate change: June broke or tied 3,215 high-temperature records across the United States. That followed the warmest May on record for the Northern Hemisphere – the 327th consecutive month in which the temperature of the entire globe exceeded the 20th-century average, the odds of which occurring by simple chance were 3.7 x 10-99, a number considerably larger than the number of stars in the universe.

Meteorologists reported that this spring was the warmest ever recorded for our nation – in fact, it crushed the old record by so much that it represented the “largest temperature departure from average of any season on record.” The same week, Saudi authorities reported that it had rained in Mecca despite a temperature of 109 degrees, the hottest downpour in the planet’s history.

Not that our leaders seemed to notice. Last month the world’s nations, meeting in Rio for the 20th-anniversary reprise of a massive 1992 environmental summit, accomplished nothing. Unlike George H.W. Bush, who flew in for the first conclave, Barack Obama didn’t even attend. It was “a ghost of the glad, confident meeting 20 years ago,” the British journalist George Monbiot wrote; no one paid it much attention, footsteps echoing through the halls “once thronged by multitudes.” Since I wrote one of the first books for a general audience about global warming way back in 1989, and since I’ve spent the intervening decades working ineffectively to slow that warming, I can say with some confidence that we’re losing the fight, badly and quickly – losing it because, most of all, we remain in denial about the peril that human civilization is in. [Bolding mine]

Read more:

It is the Southwest where most of the effects of Global warming can be seen most clearly. Vast areas have been burned — every time we go down there as Snowbirds we retrace some of our earlier routes and see the fires after math. In the Fall of 2010 we drove through areas that were still on fire. The still burning fires could be seen clearly at night. Trees still burning and the firefighters working to put out the fires close to the towns.

This winter we again saw hundreds of acres of burned over blackened high desert in Eastern Oregon. There are so many fires that only the largest ones, with the greatest loss of life and property are reported.

The Koch Brothers march on in their efforts to deny Science and to deny common sense that something isn’t right and that perhaps humans need to make some changes to ensure that future generations have a chance to survive. At the rate that the earth’s natural resources are being used and wasted — it won’t be a surprise that those of us living now will be hated by those far in the future.

The Patriarchy and the Fundamentalist religions and sects that grew from the minor women hating/earth hating sect will eventually get their way — if their malignant brand of religion is allowed to dominate the 21st Century.

Water Wars are more likely to get worse in the coming years — Israel is already in the middle of a major Water War — which most of the world has missed because of the expert redirection by the Israeli leadership and their vast spy organization. Cannonfire blog considers the current war with Syria to be another war over water — and many experts on water resources tend to agree. There are the other reasons for this war also explored by Cannonfire blog — as well as myself — the gas pipeline etc. The focus today is on clean water which is a basic must have for human survival. (Link for Cannonfire blog is in my blog roll list at the right).

From Wikipedia — Water Conflicts”:

Water conflict is a term describing a conflict between countries, states, or groups over an access to water resources.[1][2][3] The United Nations recognizes that water disputes result from opposing interests of water users, public or private.[4]

A wide range of water conflicts appear throughout history, though rarely are traditional wars waged over water alone.[5] Instead, water has historically been a source of tension and a factor in conflicts that start for other reasons. However, water conflicts arise for several reasons, including territorial disputes, a fight for resources, and strategic advantage.[6]

These conflicts occur over both freshwater and saltwater, and between international boundaries. However, conflicts occur mostly over freshwater; because freshwater resources are necessary, yet limited, they are the center of water disputes arising out of need for potable water.[7] As freshwater is a vital, yet unevenly distributed natural resource, its availability often impacts the living and economic conditions of a country or region. The lack of cost-effective water desalination techniques in areas like the Middle East,[8] among other elements of water crises can put severe pressures on all water users, whether corporate, government, or individual, leading to tension, and possibly aggression.[9] Recent humanitarian catastrophes, such as the Rwandan Genocide or the war in Sudanese Darfur, have been linked back to water conflicts.[1]

Here’s a BBC article from 2003: Water Shortages Foster Terrorism.

A lack of water is a key factor in encouraging terrorism, the Third World Water Forum in Kyoto has heard.

Mona El Kody, the chair of the National Water Research Unit in Egypt, told delegates that living without an adequate level of access to water created a “non-human environment” which led to frustration, and from there terrorism.

“A non-human environment is the worst experience people can live with, with no clean water, no sanitation,” Ms El Kody said.

And she added that it was in Arab countries that this problem was at its most acute.

The Middle East has only 1% of the world’s fresh water shared between 5% of the world’s population.

Lack of Leadership

The major flaw that I saw in 0bama from my research into his public background in 2008, from news articles etc that, flaw was his glaring lack of leadership experience. When writing about 0bama I will generally click the blog category — Lack of Leadership. Just because a whole lot of corporations gave 0bama millions of dollars to play with the big boys — that fact — does not make 0bama a Leader. If you google leadership styles you will have about 24 million hits in about a second.

One law that will bear 0bama’s name is a perfect example of 0bama’s lack of leadership.

0bamacare is better than nothing — but we already know that the Insurance companies wrote a great deal of the contend of that screwed up bill. There are so many loop holes and exceptions making it so obvious that the legislation was cobbled together without any input from consumers — We the People — for which this major Bill was written for. We the people said we wanted single payer and no middle men — the Insurance companies have been the sour note in any health issue. But we are told that this mess called 0bamacare is the best we can get — and it is “better than nothing”. Even the “better than nothing” garbage is still too good for we the people according to the hard core hate ’em all republicans. 0bama’s name is attached to a bill that he showed so little leadership in getting passed. Also as part of 0bama care no cost controls were included in the law — which means that we Americans will still have one of the most expensive health care systems in the world.

Environmental laws for the future — no leadership from 0bama.

Getting the Big Banking and Wall Street fraudsters under control — no leadership from 0bama.

The list goes on and on.

Then we come to beating the war drums for the war on Syria — now we are seeing an unskilled, inexperienced, non leader trying to push this war on we the people of the world.

The only big guns that 0bama has in his “leadership” war chest are pretty speeches — written by someone else and scrolled on the teleprompter. Pretty speeches does not equal leadership.

We are told that 0bama really really wants the war on Syria to go forward — although we are told that the US military really does NOT want this war. Well someone is pulling 0bama’s puppet strings — because if 0bama somehow manages to bungle this chance to avert needless bloodshed . . . . . . . (I’m hoping that this thought never needs to be finished).




Did someone blink?

Updates at the end.

The mainstream and alternative media was abuzz yesterday with Kerry’s (perhaps) off the cuff remark that the US would refrain from killing more civilians (also known as collateral damage) in Syria if Assad would only give up his Chemical weapons stockpile in one week. Again those of us who remember the BS diplomatic hula of the Bush/Cheney regime will remember a similar carrot dangled in front of Saddam Hussein — except the bush/cheney gang said no deal — even when Saddam had his military guys send an itemized list of anything that might be considered a chemical weapon. The busy/cheney gang than decided that the UN couldn’t have the list and the white house took the list edited it and then gave the censored list back to the UN.

But even with the UN inspectors in Iraq — the bush/cheney white house screamed — too late suckers and started the “shock and awe” display over Iraq — killing lots of civilians — and since mostly civilians seem to be killed — we are left with the dead children to be used by both sides for PR purposes. (This killing every living thing is something that is Old Testament Barbaric – read the damned Bible folks — because the Old Testament God is not a kindly god — this god has a blood and rape lust — typical of the old Gods).  For those not willing to wade through the begats and begones of the Bible — then read Chris Hedges book: American Fascists: The Christians Right and the War on America.  It has been decades since I last read the vile part of the Bible where God demands that the Jews kill kill kill every living thing. But the virgins are saved to be raped by the Jews — such a nice God? (Nice church ladies explained to us children that back then, during the Old Testament times, there was no rape — only women’s duty to their masters.) I’m bring these points up here because some of the extreme right wing fundamentalists want a major war in the Middle East which according to their reading of the book of Revelations will bring about the “End Times”.) We need to remain aware of the extreme right wing fundamentalist of the three major Patriarchal religions — Christian, Islamic and Jewish. The Saudi’s have offered to pay for the war on Syria – and the other right wing fundamentalists have been giving the loudest war chants.

Seems like the liberals and democrats promised that their guy — 0bama was a vast improvement over the horrible bush/cheney. They lied and keep on lying.

Anyway — back to Kerry’s stumbling bumble — which like the cat who fell off of the couch — says he deliberately fell off of the couch (the cat) or Kerry says that ah, well, ah, the 0bama regime had something like that in the works. burp.

Putin was ready to play the game — saying that he would assist Syria. Then showing how Putin is so much better than the 0bama gang —

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Syria’s chemical arms handover will only work if the US and its allies renounce the use of force against Damascus.

Putin watched the way the bush/cheney gang played their hands — and Putin learned. So are we to conclude that the same shadows who were “advising” bush/cheney and now “advising” the 0bama gang haven’t learned new tactics? So many armchair political observers have pointed out that the 0bama gang is using the same game plans used in the run up to the Iraq adventure.

As the daughter of a cold war warrior — I never would have imagined in my wildest dreams that I would be hoping and rooting for a Russian despot to out maneuver a USA despot — and I never thought Americans would ever elect despot Presidents. I was raised to believe that everything about the USSR was evil — and there was a whole lot of evidence — the gulags, imprisoning political prisoners, spying on all citizens etc etc.

Yet with Assad’s willingness to say — yes he could give up his chemical weapons — and Russia ready to assist — lives may have been saved.

It is ironic that the Syrian rebels are against the deal — as is Israel’s leaders.

The points go to Putin — 0bama — it’s still a wait and see.


see Cannonfire’s remarks and links about the muting of the war drums.  — also has been following the march to war.

Stealing people’s home

The USG, banks and local taxing districts are in the business of stealing homes according to a must read article  the Washington Post. Most often the victims of this scam/fraud are the elderly. The focus of the article is one man who forgot to pay a tax bill — less than $200. For that his home was taken from him by a complex system in which the taxing district hires collection agents who slap a lien on the home and sell the home at auction. Lawyers, bankers and collection agencies are making out like highway robbers of old.

To me what is significant is the location of this story — Washington D.C. — the home of Prez 0bama. This story reminds me of Chicago politics and some of the news stories I read about 0bama while he was a State Senator. Even back then bad things were happening to 0bama’s constituents (no heat in apartment buildings in the winter, for example) while the owner of the apartment building was funding 0bama’s political campaign and helping 0bama buy a lavish mansion in a plush  section of Chicago.

The caption on the lead photograph sums up the article:

This man owed $134 in property taxes. The District sold the lien to an investor who foreclosed on his $197,000 house and sold it. He and many other homeowners like him were left with nothing.

Of course this isn’t 0bama’s fault — except for the little detail that when evil is allowed to spread and banks are allowed to steal from old and sick people and the Attorney General of the US can’t be bothered to even attempt to bring any of the fraud cases like this to justice — then yes this is the fault of the President. 0bama has surrounding himself with lazy, incompetent people who take the easy way out and get very rich while looking the other way.

Stuff like this happens when there is a leadership void at the top.

By the way the man who lost his home for forgetting to pay a $134 property tax bill happens to be black. The Black Agenda Report (link on the right in the blog roll) has much more to say about the moral gaps in the first Oreo black guy President.

Theft of Intellectual Property

“Intellectual Property” meaning:

Intellectual property (IP) is a legal concept which refers to creations of the mind for which exclusive rights are recognized.[1] Under intellectual property law, owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works; discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases, symbols, and designs. Common types of intellectual property rights include copyrighttrademarkspatentsindustrial design rightstrade dress, and in some jurisdictions trade secrets.

Although many of the legal principles governing intellectual property rights have evolved over centuries, it was not until the 19th century that the termintellectual property began to be used, and not until the late 20th century that it became commonplace in the majority of the world.[2] The BritishStatute of Anne (1710) and the Statute of Monopolies (1624) are now seen as the origins of copyright and patent law respectively.[3]  


With NSA and who know how many other USG and foreign spies stealing our email and really anything that we “publish” or write in a digital form that might be sent over the Internet — does this means that all the spies are stealing our Intellectual Property?

What if I come up with a plot for a Novel or a movie and send off my ideas to a good friend — encrypted with the junk Microsoft Word encrypt software. Evidently thanks to the relationship that the NSA has with Microsoft — I’m betting that this product of my creative mind is encrypted and analysed before my friend even has time to read the file.

Company data is send encrypted and now we know that our IT friends were not paranoid delusional geeks — how many company files are sitting in NSA etc. computer data storage encrypted and  just waiting to be scooped up and sold to other companies or to foreign governments.

Is the USG/NSA deliberately trying to destroy the US from within? How is hacking holes in security systems or demanding that back doors be left in security systems so that anyone with hacking skills can swoop in and snoop and plant NSA sty;e copying and redirect software bugs?

The NSA needs to be disbanded and removed from US military control. Laws need to be passed to block the US military from spying on Americans and all the other civilians of the world. In their own words everyone except the military doing the spying are the adversary/enemies. Perhaps the jails need to be emptied of the “pot” criminals and filled with the out of top officers of the NSA — lop off the top of the pyramid of  those in charge of the NSA — jail them and then take several years to build an air tight case against the liars and thieves. That would be the goal of a real democracy in an ideal world — but we don’t line in a democracy or an ideal world. Strip the officers of their rank and pensions and forbid them to work in fields related to their job in the military. Not that’s the peaceful, non violent suggestion to cool the money wasting jerks playing at being spies.